Tag Archives: Christ

Yes, That’s Right- I’m Royalty!

Wow, am I being conceited to speak the fact that we are Royal Ladies? I think not. Too often we forget who we are and allow ourselves to be treated cheaply. That has to come to an end!  Now, I’m not saying that you should walk around with your nose in the air thinking you’re better than the next person.  What I am saying is know your worth, know your value, and set standards based on who you really are.   The bible says that we are a “Royal Priesthood (Read 1 Peter 2).” It says that we are “Fearfully and Wonderfully made (Read Psalm 139).” Proverbs 31 says that a  “Capable, Intelligent and Virtuous Woman is far more precious than jewels, and her value is far above rubies or pearls (See Amplified version).” It’s time to start walking like we know who we are!

So, how do you walk in who you are? How do you change your view of who you are, especially if your view is negative? You have to first know who you are and that comes with finding out who your Creator said you are.

To discover the real you, get into the scriptures and find out what God says about you in His word. Otherwise, you’ll never know.  In addition to the scriptures that I have listed, here are a few good starting lists: http://www.kenboa.org/downloads/pdf/IdentityAffirmations2.pdf, http://www.oneyearbibleonline.com/whogodsaysiam.asp. You have to continually replace your old thoughts of who you thought you were with who God says you are. Literally confess over yourself every day what His word says. You might feel silly at first, but believe me, once God’s word begin to take root in your spirit, you’ll find yourself conforming to and transforming into royal woman that you are. You’ll begin to treat yourself better. Others will begin to treat you better. You’ll begin to see your worth and distance yourself from others who don’t see it or respect it and from lifestyles that don’t represent who you are.

I remember talking to a young lady who prostituted herself. When I heard her story my heart wept. She couldn’t have been over 20 years old but she looked older and worn.  When I asked her how she got started, she informed me that she used to date a gang-banger when she was 14. However, to be inducted in their little gang click, she was forced to have sex with all of the gang members. She did it and afterwards she felt worthless. On top of that, one of the other girls who was already in the little gang click didn’t like her and leaked the word on the street that she slept with all the gang-bangers. She couldn’t deal with all the talk and the rejection that came along with it. So she ran away and well, one thing led to another and she ended up on the street prostituting herself to survive.  I’ll never forget her words, “That’s what I was anyway, right? I might as well get some money for it.”

Wow. There was a young lady who never knew what she was really worth. Nobody had ever told her.  She really didn’t know who she was. She defined herself by her experiences. It was difficult to hear the words that I was saying to her. “You’re not worthless! God loves you!  It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been. You have what it takes to make a change!  Let me get you some help. This is not really who you are.  The real you is hiding in there somewhere underneath the hurt, the shame, and the drugs you now take to cover up.” She had convinced herself that this is who she is and that her world was destined to be full of drugs and prostitution. Life would never be better.  Oh, but it could be better. She just had to take the journey of learning who she really was and what she was really worth. That takes time. It takes help. It takes courage. This young lady needed someone to pour into her- to love on her without expecting something in return. She needed someone to help her challenge her definition of who she thought she was. Then she could start reflecting who she really was.

How are you reflecting and representing your royal heritage? Are you divinely defined by God or are you allowing other people or other things to define you. Are you selling yourself cheaply? Are you allowing yourself to be disrespected by others. Remember, you set the standard of how people will treat you. Set your standard by the word of God.  Know your worth. You’re royalty. Walk like it. Look like it. Let your character reflect it. Represent it well.

Wendy M. Reynolds